
The civilizations that have been created in the new world are listed below. Those civilizations however are only what I, as the worlds DM, have chosen to document as the game i am running has crossed into those civilizations to pursue the story.

:| Arcanus | Synzinia |:

: Diblen :

: Oricon :

"Civilization is the very thing that was created to keep ourselves safe. We all remember this, not all of us remember the same civilization though, i remember the towering trees that were a hundred feet thick from the great Tobodo Forrest. I remember the enchantments used for us to make our homes inside the great trees and how we hid for the great dragon. My body is different than it was in those memories and those enchantments no longer work, so now, civilization is a process of learning to separate what we remember from what is."

-Elder Everin Amanodel of the Anishinabe tribe Owaji