House Rules

This area is for the rules that we have in my game. We have altered a few rules and added new options to better enjoy the game. Those changes are going to be published here so that not only I, but my players have an area to reference the rules changes in writing.

I would like to note that to make a rules change someone, typically me, suggests the rules change and then all the current players vote on if it should be allowed. Anything less than a unanimous accept is treated as the house rule was not accepted. 

I should note that my players also inherited a large number of rules that were put in place prior to the start of the game, some rules even before they were born. The first and most "radical" deviation from "standard" rules is ability scores. It has been my belief that the characters played in D&D are Iconic, may they be heroes or villains.  As such it is my opinion that a character with any score less than 13 is unusable. Characters in my games are rolled, yes rolled, using 4d6 keep the highest 3 and reroll all 1s and 2s for 8 ability scores and then choose the 6 they want to keep. You can roll as many of the ability scores as you have dice and the rolls are not complete until ALL the dice rolled are at least a 3. This tends to leave characters with a low score of 16 as their ability score.

Another note. I do feel that the concept of balance should not extend to magical items. Their entire purpose is to grant a power that grants an "unfair" advantage to the character that possesses it. This means that i typically "stack" powers on to an item. I do adhere to the maximum enchantment modifier, but an item may have many more powers too.



We use Lion's Den products (iPhone \ Android). Our customized Compendium file is able to be downloaded HERE