
Goddess of Community and Wizardry

Domains: Arcana, Life, & Peace

Alignment: Neutral

Symbol: A Tulip bud just before bloom.

Eisana (Eye San A) was born a demigod of Eisa and a mortal Johanna Gardener. Eisa was posing as a mortal Elrick Shipton. She was born in the temple of Eisa in the city of Astra, in the The Deva District. The temple provided to Johanna and Elrick a small house to be a home to their family.

Shortly after her 16th birthday Elrick sent her into the Forsaken Demesne to a temple devoted to Eisa because she had started down the path of an Arcane Trickster. Along the way she had met a Paladin of Eisa named Vashtai, who protected her on the journey. Eisa kept his true identity secret from her until she arrived in the temple when he revealed that she was in-fact his daughter. He gave Vashtai the quest to see her safely on her journey. She was given the task of travelling to Arwonia and learn proper magic from the school there.

Although she could not gain access to the school proper she was able to become an apprentice to Sage Taniyn, respected Theurgist of Anushirvan. In the city Arcanus she also was joined by a bounty hunter, Mura Serashi. Serashi and a monk descended from the survivors of the Anishinabe whose tribe was lost to the Mind Flayers plans in 0083.

After many adventures, including being asked to leave and never return to the kingdom of Solaris she ascended to goddess-hood.

Rogue Level 3 (Arcane Trickster) | Wizard Level 17 (Theurgist of Zaketrin)

Personality Traits

I get bored easily. When am I going to get on with my destiny?

I'm confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others.


Destiny. Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling. (Any)


Sincerity. There's no good in pretending to be something I'm not. (Neutral)


What I do, I do for the world. The people don't realize how much they need me.


I have an insatiable desire for carnal pleasures.